In cases of an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (‘IVA’) and bankruptcy, an Insolvency Practitioner (‘IP’) has an obligation to maximise the return to creditors through the realisation of certain assets. But what happens if they don’t actually know that those assets exist?
Our bespoke service helps IPs meet their obligations to maximise realisations by investigating whether a debtor has ever been the victim of a financial mis-sell and, if so, bringing a claim for compensation against the perpetrator. Our comprehensive investigation process can identify potential compensation claims that even the debtor did not know existed!
Any compensation arising from such claims are deemed assets within the insolvency and, as the leading financial litigation specialists in the UK, we are guaranteed to obtain the highest possible returns possible.
So if you are an IP and would like to utilise our services to identify assets within an IVA or bankruptcy, please get in touch today.